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Install for Container


Containerized software products like Docker are developed for production environment. We will assume that you have enough acknowledgement for managing a server as well as the concept of "Containerization" or the common operations for these software products. It is not recommended for those who don't have enough acknowledgement unless they are installing Koishi on routers or NAS. Please Choose Other Installation Methods.

Koishi provides an official Docker image, which would convenient running Koishi in a container. You may need to install Podman or Docker first.

Start container

Start container with the following command:

podman run -p 5140:5140 koishijs/koishi

Many plugins depend on koishi-plugin-pupeteer to render images, so the default image includes Chromium. If you don't need Chromium to be included, we also offer a lite version:

podman run -p 5140:5140 koishijs/koishi:latest-lite

On startup, the Koishi console will be bound to the 5140 port.

If you want to persist your data, use -v /some/place:/koishi to remap Koishi files into your local file system or volumes.

If you want to switch the time zone, use -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai.


You could update all the plugins as well as Koishi itself in Koishi Console. After persistence, only several programs such as Chromium or Node.js would be updated when you update the container.

Install Plugins

在容器运行时,可以通过在浏览器中访问 http://宿主机地址:5140 在控制台中安装和启用插件。If you cannot access the Koishi Console, please check the configurations of your firewall.